Thursday, December 26, 2019
United States Special Inspector For Afghanistan...
Every year, since the Taliban regime ended, foreign troop numbers within the country have increased dramatically. The greatest increase of troops was about twenty thousand additional troops added to the grand total of sixty-six thousand. With increased troops, the Taliban activity has also intensified. Mullah Saifur Reheman, a Taliban, began to rebuild his militia forces to support the anti- United States fighters. His forces amounted to over one thousand by the beginning of Operation Anaconda in March of 2002. Rebels against the revolution had planned to use the region as headquarters for launching guerrilla attacks (Shapiro). The United States used Kandahar International Airport as an operational base for taking and dispersing personnel and supplies. The number of U.S. troops who operated in the country grew to more than ten thousand against the al-Qaeda and the Taliban. Eventually, the United States and its allies drove the Taliban from power and curtailed al Qaedaââ¬â¢s effort s to plan and execute terrorist attacks at a high cost. The United States special inspector for Afghanistan reconstruction has reported that, when the security for aid workers is counted, the total amount of nonmilitary funds that Washington has appropriated since 2002 ââ¬Å"is about one-hundred billion dollars (Emadi).â⬠That is more than the United States has ever spent trying to rebuild a country. There is no need to spend that much money to have an impact, that money just needs to be spent well. InShow MoreRelated The War in Iraq Essay2488 Words à |à 10 Pagesneighboring countries and opposing Arab factions within the country. It would even survive a war with the United States, but with constant accusations of possessing Weapons of Mass Destruction and bombings by the US and Britain through the ââ¬Ë90s, Iraq would eventually fall. Not for the possession of WMDs, not for leading Terrorist actions against those who would invade, and not even for the United Nations sanc tioning it, because none of those things happened and Iraq was no enemy or threat to anyoneRead MoreHow Effective Is Terrorism Is For Achieving Its Political Objectives3701 Words à |à 15 Pagesan abuse word in this expression (Rajiv, D 2013). This term of abuse has been on the world stage entwined with a complexity of unfinished definition. It has shifted the focus of state governments around the world to its national security department for expansion and development where the Middle East countries, United States including Australia have all been the victims. Terrorism has become a key organising principal for domestic and international politics shaped by developed organisations and tacticsRead MoreNational Security Outline Essay40741 Words à |à 163 PagesCHAPTER 3: Development of the International Law of Conflict Management 5 CHAPTER 4: The Use of Force in International Relations: Norms Concerning the Initiation of Coercion (JNM) 7 CHAPTER 5: Institutional Modes of Conflict Management 17 The United Nations System 17 Proposals for Strengthening Management Institutional Modes of Conduct 23 CHAPTER 6: The Laws of War and Neutrality 24 CHAPTER 7: War Crimes and Nuremberg Principle 28 CHAPTER 12: Nuclear Weapons: Deployment, Targeting andRead MoreThe Hawala Extortion Method 18441 Words à |à 74 Pagesinternational money laundering activities that spread far beyond the region. Hawala is illegal in many countries. However, Islamic and Western banks all over the world, and even central banks, make use of the system. For instance, in May and June 2001 the State Bank of Pakistan was said to have turned to hawala shops in Islamabad to buy dollars in order to support the own currency. Even top-ranking Western corporations turn to hawaladers for transactions to regions without a modern western-style banking systemRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words à |à 922 Pagesstored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without either the prior written permission of the publisher or a licence permitting restricted copying in the United Kingdom issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, Saffron House, 6-10 Kirby Street, London EC1N 8TS. All trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. The use of any trademark in this text does not vest in the author or publisher
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Causes Of Income Inequality - 999 Words
Income inequality has affected American citizens ever since the American Dream came to existence. The American Dream is centered around the concept of working hard and earning enough money to support a family, own a home, send children to college, and invest for retirement. Economic gains in income are one of the only possible ways to achieve enough wealth to fulfill the dream. Unfortunately, many people cannot achieve this dream due to low income. Income inequality refers to the uneven distribution of income and wealth between the social classes of American citizens. The United States has often experienced a rise in inequality as the rich become richer and the poor become poorer, increasing the unstable gap between the two classes. UCâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Many historical theories lay a foundation that helps prove income inequality is necessary. Social Darwinism is a collection of theories that explain why the rich get richer, while the poor become poorer. Social Darwinists generally claim that the strong and successful people should see their wealth and power increase while the weak and unmotivated should see their wealth and power decrease. This is an excellent explanation for the cause of income inequality and why it shouldnââ¬â¢t be stopped. Wealth can sometimes be a direct result of the hard work and dedication of a person that is motivated to become successful in life. While most people may work as hard as they can and only make an average income, there are the few exceptional cases where people can prosper and rise to great economic stability. For all other citizens, the reality is they may be motivated and driven to become successful just like everyone else, but can only manage a low or middle-class job. This reality provides a reason for the inequality in incomes; not every citizen is capable of the same amount of work and therefore they get placed in different jobs with different salaries. Income inequality also exists because people fail to take advantage of equal economic opportunities. President Barack Obama states, ââ¬Å"While we donââ¬â¢t promise equal outcomes, weââ¬â¢ve strived to offer equal opportunity.â⬠If we disregardShow MoreRelatedWhy The Income Inequality Affects The Health Of People Essay1695 Words à |à 7 PagesIncome inequality also causes obesity however; we mostly blame individuals for being obese. Being obese can have a serious impact on mental and physical health. it is an illness that is associated with stereotypes. The biggest one is ââ¬Å"if poor people become obese they cannot be not poorâ⬠. People in this mentality also exclude the structural and social conditions that cause illnesses such as obesity. Social life affects the health of people, especially the socioeconomic level. How much you earn monthlyRead MoreThe Effects of Wealth Inequality in the U.S.1484 Words à |à 6 PagesAnthony Giovenco Political Science Inequality Paper 12-18-14 The Effects of Wealth Inequality in the United States Wealth inequality in the United States has grown tremendously since 1970. The United States continuously reveals higher rates of inequality as a result of perpetual support for free market capitalism. The high rates of wealth inequality cause the growing financial crisis to persist, lower socio-economic mobility, increase national poverty, and have adverse effects on health andRead MoreSocial Inequalities Within New Zealand Essay1322 Words à |à 6 PagesThis essay will be discussing the social inequalities within New Zealand. These inequalities can include unequal income, education and healthcare. Through extensive research of academic resources, I will be discussing how educational, family, social and political factors contribute to the development of these inequalities. I will also be providing a line graph that shows the unequal income between classes and a second line graph that demonstrates the difference in student success between high decileRead MoreIncome Inequality Of The United States889 Words à |à 4 Pagespercent of total income, while the poorest fifth received about 3.2 percentâ⬠(McConnell). There are many sources of income inequality that effect poverty in the United States and the role that discrimination plays in reducing and increasing wages for different people and how the people of the United States are affected by it. The average household income in the United States is, in fact, one of the highest in the world. Unfortunately, does not provide information about income inequality. There are twoRead MoreEconomic and Social Costs of Inequality in Australia785 Words à |à 4 Pagessocial costs and benefits of inequality in distribution of income in Australia. Income inequality describes the extent to which income is distributed unevenly among residents of an area. High levels of inequality indicate that a small number of people receive most of the total income, and that most people receive only a small share of the total. There are many advantages and disadvantages associated with the inequitable distribution of income. Income inequality can lead to an increase in theRead MoreFactors That Determine The Quality Of Health And Wellbeing Essay1666 Words à |à 7 Pagesindividual factors control the societies health. Income inequality is one of the leading determinant for our health. The effects of income inequality on health maybe understood by examining some social mechanisms, such as public education and healthcare, structural violence, disruption of social cohesion and social capital; and individual risky behaviors. (Kawachi and Kennedy, 1999) My topic is income inequality and health because access to adequate income have a significant effect on peopleââ¬â¢s healthRead MoreIncome Inequality in the United States Essay788 Words à |à 4 Pagesof all income, while the richest earned 88.9% of all wealth. A big gap between the rich and poor is often associated with low social mobility, which contradicts the American ideal of equal opportunity. Levels of income inequality are higher than they have been in almost a century, the top one percent has a share of the national income of over 20 percent (Wilhelm). There are a variety of factors that influence income inequality, a few of which will be discussed in this paper. Rising income inequalityRead MoreWhy Does Income Inequality Exists?1442 Words à |à 6 Pages- - - ââ¬Å"WHY DOES INCOME INEQUALITY EXIST?â⬠Submitted to: - Submitted by: - - - - 4. Why does income inequality exist? Income inequality, also known as economic inequality or wealth and income differences typically refers to inequality among individuals and society, but it can also refer to disparity among countries. There are many reasons for this phenomenon to happen within the societies, most of them are often inter-related. However, we could say that the most importantRead MoreThe Inequality Of Income Inequality1229 Words à |à 5 PagesIncome Inequality Income inequality has been a major concern around the world, and it mainly links to how economic metrics are distributed among individuals in a country. Economists generally categorise these metrics in wealth, income and consumption. Wilkinson and Picket (2009) showed in their studies that inequality has drawbacks that lead to social problems. This is because income inequality and wealth concentration can hinder or delay long term growth. In 2011, International Monetary Fund economistsRead MoreIncome Inequality in the United States and France648 Words à |à 3 PagesIncome Inequality is ââ¬Å"The unequal distribution of household or individual income across the various participants in an economy. Income inequality is often presented as the percentage of income to a percentage of population.â⬠(Investopedia). Some believe income equality is the biggest problem of the 21st century, President Obama believes it to be ââ¬Å"the defining challenge of our timeâ⬠(white house). Some economist believe that increase inequality has a correlation effect with higher rates of health
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Event Management Plan
Introduction Event management plan is a process of planning festival, ceremony, competition, concert, party or any celebration. Various types of event management can be created like birthday, reunion, marriage etc this planning consist of a proper management which includes budgeting, establishing dates, reserving the place for event and other necessary works (Masterman, 2004). Even planning may include budgeting, group discussion, arranging decor, catering, emergency plans, direct or alternate speakers, coordinating location support etc. Even the event management is also considered as the best way of communication and marketing options that many of clubs and companies use. This works as a communication tool as it deals with various promotional clients that may be asked for musics, live entertainment etc. Project objective The main objective of the event management plan is to provide all sorts of informations to every people, to introduce all types of cultures through out our world, a club named MAEJESTRO have created an event management plan where the event sets to create a nationalism and revealing all different cultures of all countries present all over the world. Not only this is the main factor of the event, it also shows the unity among all countries present in the world, it plans for showing all beautiful heritages present then introducing all types of cultures, creativities, foods, songs and even all types of languages present all over the world. It organized a complete relationship and memoranda of the world (Whitford, Dunn and Cooper, 2013). Project Scope The scope of the project is just to create a complete festival based on merging of different culture present all over the world. I organised an even of one month in the month of February and i will continue till the end of the month. Chief guests and famous stars of different countries will come and gather to persist the live show. Event planning also includes budgeting, create dates and alternate dates, contasting and reserving the event site, acquiring permitt and alcohols permits, insurance licenses, coordinating transportation and parking all things are done in a proper manner. Throughout the time the event will take place all the day and all the night for that the passes are made for the show. Stakeholders A stakeholder is a accountant, organisation, share holder, people, labour or an other people those who are present at the event management plan and work hard to give the plan a life. They may also exert influence over the projects objectives and outcomes (Masterman, 2004). The event management team must clarify the stakeholders, ascertain their necessities and expectations and to the coverage probable, administer their inspiration in relation to the prerequisites to make sure a flourishing project. All stakeholders present in the club have an adorable impact until the last day of the event, and the contribution of all the people is unspeaking and unbelievable. Action Plan Strong security systems are created during the show is organized, arrangement of medicines emergencies are also created. Not only this emergency entry and exit are also being created, hygienic foods, drinks and places are made. All sorts of safety precautions are done just to avoid any sorts of accidents or problems or difficulties. Police force will be very active such that the criminals and any bad peoples cannot enter into the event area. Milestone Milestone Target Date Human Resource Volunteer First Month Proper Budget Allocation Second Month Selecting Location First Month Sponsorship Fifth Month Gantt chart Event GANTT Chart date Month before the event -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 Initial Planning Meeting Write the budget Entertainments Bookings Publicity Design Publicity Printing Publicity Distribution Set Price/ Review budget Ticket Printing Ticket Selling Press Release Written Facebook Event Page set up Tech Decoration Planning On the night management Review Budget Multicultural festival Human Resource Volunteering $10,000 Location $15,000 Event management Expenses $20,000 Subtotal $45,000 Contingency $5,000 Total $ 50,000 Communication methods Various procedures are being made for the advertisement of the event, firstly it can be founded on all websites as ads and all coupons will be available there (Getz, 1997). The event will be forecasted on ever TV channels and advertisements are done and various hand leaves were made. Various sponsors were also pointed for the show, in every high ways and bridges large posters were made through all this things it would definitely move to ever people. Risk Analysis Risk Likelihood Impact Mitigation Improper Likely Major Proper communication communication method method Capital Allocation Likely Major Proper Planning and forecasting Relevant legislation During organising, the event management related to the multicultural festival several law and legislation are followed which help to maintain the legal issue related with the project. The law applicable in this case according to the Australia law is social security act 1991, which help to keep and preserve the security of social issue and society in the Australia (Getz, 1997). Conclusion Multicultural festival is a place for public celebration, which represent displaying the ethnic culture of local and domestic communities resettled due to migration. The report help to provide a clear and precise idea about the event management and how a project manager should evaluate and execute the event, and side by side helps to make the event one of the successful events. The report also suggests that multicultural festival consist of three key characteristic cultural celebration, cultural identity and expression. With the help if event organization of multicultural festival allow both ethnic minorities and dominant population the option and opportunity to mix with the family and friend (Bamford, 1991).
Monday, December 2, 2019
Related Texts Growing Up free essay sample
This picture book celebrates the visual imagination. It is a young personââ¬â¢s emotional journey from forlornness to exhilaration. Each double page contains a single sentence, and an illustration that matches the words in utterly unpredictable and witty ways. The drawings are so flamboyantly wonderful they enrich and excite the human spirit. This book confirms that it is imagination that makes sense of our journey through this world. Short-listed, Picture Book of the Year 2002. ââ¬Å"Growing up too fastâ⬠Twinpossible http://twinpossible. om/kids-growing-up-too-fast-lessons-we-learn-can-teach ââ¬Å"Nobody understandsâ⬠the red tree by Shaun tan http://www. shauntan. net/books/red-tree. html The car song The weekend is the weekend And its sunny in the park Ill stay here with my beer and fish and chips till it gets dark Ive got a lot of homework But homework he can wait I never start my homework till its already too late My parents say think about your future and my teachers say the same But its hard When theres a basketball game in the park Its 1998 And everybodys saying: Harry, youre going to be a lawyer some dayâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ Its Monday bloody Monday And theres two things I forgot I forgot to do my homework And Ive only got one sock Im halfway through a test But I just cant concentrate Im sitting next to Fontaine I want to ask her on a date I really want to start a conversation But each time she walks past I start choking on my pencil And fall flat on my ass I need to concentrate I have to get this grade Or I might fail to be a lawyer someday But just right now Can think of anything better to do Than just sit down at the piano and a write this tune And maybe later Maybe later in the afternoon Ill sit back and relax And think of all the things Im going to doâ⬠¦ Somedayâ⬠¦ Ill buy an old car Somedayâ⬠¦ Ill get that car to start Somedayâ⬠¦ Ill learn how to drive too And then Somedayâ⬠¦ Imagine all the things I could do. We will write a custom essay sample on Related Texts Growing Up or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page (That was 1998 now Bring it forward to the present day now Cause some things have changed but some things never change) The weekend is the weekend And its sunny in the park Ill stay here with my beer and fish n chips till it gets dark I just saw Peter Parsons Who used to be in my class I always gave him wedgies cause I thought he worked too hard He said, ââ¬Å"Harry, life is great ââ¬â I feel so happy these days ââ¬â Im a litigation lawyer ââ¬â So I got it made Im going out with Fontaine Rememer her from tenth grade? I drive a Porsche so I cant complainâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ Shit! And look at me cant think of anything better to do Than just sit down at the piano and write this tune And maybe later Maybe later in the afternoon Ill sit back and relax and think of all the things Im going to doâ⬠¦
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